Vendor Information

We are currently accepting vendor applications for a select number of events including the Discovery Green Flea by Night.


Before submitting your application, be sure to read Discovery Green’s Vendor Rules. Fees are based on the expected managing and operating costs, and are subject to change.


All approved applicants are charged a one time application fee of $100 in addition to their booth fee. To be considered, applicants must submit their application at least two weeks prior to the event/date. Please do not call or email to check the status of your application; we will contact you at our earliest convenience if your application is approved.


*Discovery Green is not involved in providing vendors for any events produced by outside parties who have rented space in the park for their events, nor can we provide their contact information.


ENTERTAINMENT: We are unable to review materials, listen to cds or music files or respond directly to any inquiries to perform at the park.